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Assessment of the Wood-energy Potential in the Brussels-Capital Region: Principles and methodology.

Assessment of the Wood-energy Potential in the Brussels-Capital Region: Principles and methodology.

Marchal, D. , Van Stappen, F. & Schenkel, Y. (2007). Assessment of the Wood-energy Potential in the Brussels-Capital Region: Principles and methodology. Proceedings in: The 15th...

Identification of non technological barriers to the implementation of bio-energy projects in SMEs in Senegal and Cameroon

Identification of non technological barriers to the implementation of bio-energy projects in SMEs in Senegal and Cameroon

Van Stappen, F. , Crehay, R. , Schenkel, Y. , Ngnikam, E. , Tekapsso, P. , Tolalé, E. , Koudjou Talla, C. , Sarr, S. , Correa, J. , Dafrallah, T. , Saint-Sernin, E. , Thomas, J. ,...

Green Certificates Mechanisms in Belgium: a useful instrument to mitigate GHG emissions.

Green Certificates Mechanisms in Belgium: a useful instrument to mitigate GHG emissions.

Van Stappen, F. , Marchal, D. , Ryckmans, Y. , Crehay, R. & Schenkel, Y. (2007). Green Certificates Mechanisms in Belgium: a useful instrument to mitigate GHG emissions. Proceedings...

Biomass in Wallonia (Belgium) ? Interregional cooperation in the field of sustainable energy.

Biomass in Wallonia (Belgium) ? Interregional cooperation in the field of sustainable energy.

Van Stappen, F. , Rabier, F. , Warnant, G. , Marchal, D. & Schenkel, Y. (2007). Biomass in Wallonia (Belgium) ? Interregional cooperation in the field of sustainable energy. Proceedings...

A multifractal approach for assessing the structural state of tilled soils

A multifractal approach for assessing the structural state of tilled soils

Roisin, C. (2007). A multifractal approach for assessing the structural state of tilled soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71: 15-25.

Etude de la dégradation de la lignine de Ganoderma japonicum sur le KING GRASS

Etude de la dégradation de la lignine de Ganoderma japonicum sur le KING GRASS

Andrés Prada, R. (2007). Etude de la dégradation de la lignine de Ganoderma japonicum sur le KING GRASS. Bruxelles, Université libre de Bruxelles, pour le grade de bio-ingénieur, 1-79.

The source of fermentable carbohydrates infleunces the in vitro protein synthesis by colonic bacteria isolated from pigs

The source of fermentable carbohydrates infleunces the in vitro protein synthesis by colonic bacteria isolated from pigs

Bindelle, J. , Buldgen, A. , Wavreille, J. , Agneessens, R. , Destain, J. , Wathelet, J. & Leterme, P. (2007). The source of fermentable carbohydrates infleunces the in vitro protein...

Omega 3 and CLA naturally enhanced levels of animal products : Effects of grass and linseed supplementation of the fatty acid composition of lamb and sheep milk.

Omega 3 and CLA naturally enhanced levels of animal products : Effects of grass and linseed supplementation of the fatty acid composition of lamb and sheep milk.

Delmotte, C. , Rondia, P. , Raes, K. , Dehareng, F. & Decruyenaere, V. (2007). Omega 3 and CLA naturally enhanced levels of animal products : Effects of grass and linseed supplementation...

Etude de la contamination de jus de pomme et des ensilages par la patuline

Etude de la contamination de jus de pomme et des ensilages par la patuline

Riga, E. (2007). Etude de la contamination de jus de pomme et des ensilages par la patuline. Liège - Belgique, Rennequin Sualem Liège - Belgique,