Que cherchez-vous ?

La place de la statistique appliquée dans la recherche agronomique;

La place de la statistique appliquée dans la recherche agronomique;

Planchon, V. (2023). La place de la statistique appliquée dans la recherche agronomique; Lecture in: Cérémonie d'hommage au Professeur Dagnelie, Espace Senghor, Gembloux, 15/03/2023.


"Sprayvision : un nouvel OAD Agromet"

Rosillon, D. , Huart, J.P. , Bonnave, M. , Lebrun, J. , Dossantos, D. , Durenne, B. , Wedickmans, B. & Henriet, F. (2023). "Sprayvision : un nouvel OAD Agromet". Proceedings in:...

Combining PCA with the visualization method t-SNE for the analysis of data from near-infrared spectroscopy

Combining PCA with the visualization method t-SNE for the analysis of data from near-infrared spectroscopy

Stevens, F. , Deryck, A. , Baeten, V. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2023). Combining PCA with the visualization method t-SNE for the analysis of data from near-infrared spectroscopy....

Date Palm Waste Compost Application Increases Soil Microbial Community Diversity in a Cropping Barley  (Hordeum vulgare L.) Field

Date Palm Waste Compost Application Increases Soil Microbial Community Diversity in a Cropping Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Field

Ghouili, E. , Abid, G. , Hogue, R. , Jeanne, T. , D’Astous-Pagé, J. , Sassi, K. , Hidri, Y. , M’Hamed, H. , Somenahally, A. , Xue,Q. , Jebara, M. , Ouertani, R. , Riahi, J. , de Oliveira,...

Investigating the potential of visible and near-Infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) for detecting phosphorus status of winter wheat leaves grown in long-term trial

Investigating the potential of visible and near-Infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) for detecting phosphorus status of winter wheat leaves grown in long-term trial

El-Mejjaouy, Y. , Dumont, B. , Vermeulen, P. , Oukarroum, A. & Mercatoris, B. (2023). Investigating the potential of visible and near-Infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) for detecting...

Comparison of Sentinel-1 &-2 for mowing detection in the framework of CAP in Wallonia - SAGRIWASENT II

Comparison of Sentinel-1 &-2 for mowing detection in the framework of CAP in Wallonia - SAGRIWASENT II

Godechal, F. , Beriaux, E. , Jago, A. , Cassier, A. , Lucau-Danila, C. , Curnel, Y. & Planchon, V. (2023). Comparison of Sentinel-1 &-2 for mowing detection in the framework of...

L’effet des pratiques agricoles sur la mycorhization du froment d’hiver

L’effet des pratiques agricoles sur la mycorhization du froment d’hiver

Hardy, B. , Calonne-Salmon, M. , Huyghebaert, B. & Declerck, S. (2023). L’effet des pratiques agricoles sur la mycorhization du froment d’hiver Itinéraires BIO (70), 47-53.

Rapport d'activité du projet DECIDE+

Rapport d'activité du projet DECIDE+

Lefevre, A. , Loriers, A. , Luyten, M. , Matagne, S. , Monfort, S. & Van Stappen, F. (2023). Rapport d'activité du projet DECIDE+.

Genetic analysis of milk citrate predicted by milk midinfrared spectra of Holstein cows in early lactation

Genetic analysis of milk citrate predicted by milk midinfrared spectra of Holstein cows in early lactation

Chen, Y. , Hu, H. , Atashi, H. , Grelet, C. , Wijnrocx, K. , Lemal, P. & Gengler, N. (2023). Genetic analysis of milk citrate predicted by milk midinfrared spectra of Holstein...