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Obtaining virus-free hop (Humulus lupulus L.) plants by heat treatment and microcutting

Obtaining virus-free hop (Humulus lupulus L.) plants by heat treatment and microcutting

Legrand, G. & Maroquin, C. (1987). Obtaining virus-free hop (Humulus lupulus L.) plants by heat treatment and microcutting. Parasitica, 43: (1),

Statistical interpretation of 13 years of observations relating to the dynamics of aphid populations on wheat in Belgium, and the practice of forecasting

Statistical interpretation of 13 years of observations relating to the dynamics of aphid populations on wheat in Belgium, and the practice of forecasting

Latteur, G. , Oger, R. & Proft, M. (1987). Statistical interpretation of 13 years of observations relating to the dynamics of aphid populations on wheat in Belgium, and the practice...

Suction trapping and forecasting aphids in cereals

Suction trapping and forecasting aphids in cereals

Latteur, G. & Nicolas, J. (1987). Suction trapping and forecasting aphids in cereals In: Aphid migration and forecasting 'Euraphid' systems in European Community countries. Luxembourg,...

An attempt to reduce the importance of a rookery (Corvus frugilegus) located in an urban park

An attempt to reduce the importance of a rookery (Corvus frugilegus) located in an urban park

Hoyoux, J. (1987). An attempt to reduce the importance of a rookery (Corvus frugilegus) located in an urban park. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 22: (1),

Resistance of winter barley to attacks of Typhula incarnata Lasch in relation to the development stage and cold hardening of plants

Resistance of winter barley to attacks of Typhula incarnata Lasch in relation to the development stage and cold hardening of plants

Cavelier, M. (1987). Resistance of winter barley to attacks of Typhula incarnata Lasch in relation to the development stage and cold hardening of plants. Parasitica, 43: (3),

Disease resistance in old fruit tree cultivars: evaluation and commercial value

Disease resistance in old fruit tree cultivars: evaluation and commercial value

Bauvin, J. , Lateur, M. & Populer, C. (1987). Disease resistance in old fruit tree cultivars: evaluation and commercial value. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen,...

Collection variétale de céréales
Les services

Collection variétale de céréales

Constitution et maintien d’une collection de semences de céréales à paille.

Evaluation des variétés en vue de leur inscription au catalogue belge

Evaluation des variétés en vue de leur inscription au catalogue belge

Le CRA-W est reconnu comme Office Belge d’Examen des Variétés (OBEV) et, à ce titre, il réalise les essais permettant de déterminer si une variété peut être ou non inscrite au catalogue...

Contrôle de la répartition des pulvérisations agricoles au moyen de l'analyse par activation neutronique

Contrôle de la répartition des pulvérisations agricoles au moyen de l'analyse par activation neutronique

Gasia, M. , Caussin, R. , Dardenne, P. & Biston, R. (1986). Contrôle de la répartition des pulvérisations agricoles au moyen de l'analyse par activation neutronique Revue de l'Agriculture...