Traceability of the beef meat's origin with DNA markers

  • Fumière, O. (2007). Traceability of the beef meat's origin with DNA markers. Poster in: 12ème Carrefour des Productions Agricoles: "Le marché de la viande bovine : enjeux et perspectives", Gembloux - Belgique, 24/01/2007.
Type Poster
Year 2007
Title Traceability of the beef meat's origin with DNA markers
Event name 12ème Carrefour des Productions Agricoles: "Le marché de la viande bovine : enjeux et perspectives"
Event location Gembloux - Belgique
Label 100
Recnumber 100
Event date 24/01/2007
Author address Fumière Olivier, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux,
Caption 100-fumière-2007.ppt
Authors Fumière, O.

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